Supporting Facilities
SNU Hamchun Residence Hall

The College of Nursing operates a dormitory for undergraduate students, Hamchun Residence Hall for the juniors and seniors going through clinical practice. It Hall first opened in 1961 with assistance from the University of Minnesota. New Hamchun Residence Hall Building was built in 2005. It has a computer lab, a study room, a physical training center, seminar rooms, and a laundry. It is a eight-story building which can accommodate 144 people.

Yongon Library is the medical library located in the Yongon Campus of Seoul National University. It houses about 207,676 volumes and 27,577 ejournals in the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and public health. The library is an open stack library, such that the bookshelves are open for the use of faculty members, research staffs, and students. Textbooks and monographs are classified and arranged according to The Dewey Decimal Classification system and the U.S. National Library of Medicine Classification system. Serial publications are arranged alphabetically by title. Services offered by the library include interlibrary loan, photocopying and offset printing, and bibliographic services.