
외자CRO - CRA / Sr.CRA 모집

2010-02-11l 조회수 4361

1. 의뢰사: 유명 외자 CRO 2. 모집 내용 : Clinical Research Associates / Senior Clinical Research Associates 모집 Job Functions: - Assist in managing large scale clinical trial projects or function as project manager for small scale projects, ensuring on-time, on-budget performance - Monitor (pre-study, initiation, routine, and close-out visits) investigator sites for GCP compliance according to CRO SOPs and/or client guidelines - Recruit investigators - Negotiate study budgets with investigators - Obtain, review, and process regulatory and administrative documents from investigator sites - Review and develop protocols - Review and develop CRFs - Coordinate and present at Investigators’ Meetings - Participate in proposal meetings with potential clients - Prepare and review Serious Adverse Event (SAE) reports - Prepare project management reports for clients, project personnel, and CRO management - Resolve issues, questions, and requests for additional study supplies - Review and approve monitoring trip reports - Review and verify completed CRFs - Review clinical data in-house - Resolve queries of CRF data with study site personnel - Review Tables and Listings generated from study data - Author Clinical Study Reports - Train and mentor CRAs on monitoring, internal procedures, and query resolution Minimum Requirements : - Bachelor’s Degree or RN - Two years’ work experience in clinical research, data management, regulatory affairs, or other relevant healthcare research position - Eighteen months’ experience in field monitoring of clinical trials. - Excellent written and verbal communications skills - Ability and willingness to travel up to 50% - Excellent organizational skills and ability to manage time and work independently ▣ 연봉수준 및 복리후생: 현, 연봉이상으로 추후 협의 가능/ 주5일제 ▣ 근무지 : 서울 ▣ 제출서류: 국,영문 이력서 및 상세 경력기술서와 자기 소개서 ▣ 진행절차 : 1차 서류 전형- 2차 면접전형 ▣ 담당자: 이희정 연락처 : 02-567-7407,7408 이메일 : yskim@jhhr.co.kr