
[공통] 2014.10.30 국제학술대회 안내(서울대 간호대학 간호과학연구소)

2014-08-18l 조회수 3283

2014 The 10th International Conference
“Wellness & Integrative Nursing Care”
October 30, 2014


Dear Nursing Colleagues,

  We are very pleased to invite you to the 2014 the 10th International Conference with the theme of "Wellness & Integrative Nursing Care” held by the Research Institute of Nursing Science, at the Seoul National University in Korea on October 30, 2014.
  Through this conference, we can expand our knowledge for integrative nursing care and research. We can also pave the way for our strong academic collaboration and exchange with our shared passion for nursing.
  Again, welcome to 2014 International Conference of the Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University. We hope you will enjoy the conference and will be looking forward to seeing you in Seoul, Korea. Please check the additional file for detailed items.


Sincerely yours,

Myungsun Yi, DNS, RN.                                                           
Director, The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University 

일      시: 2014. 10.30 (목)  9:00~17:00
장      소: 서울대학교 간호대학 제2연구동 2층 강당
등  록 비: 일반 10만원, 대학원생 5만원, 외국인 90USD (현장등록 없습니다)
              * 등록방법: sjy@snu.ac.kr로 신청서제출 또는 홈페이지(http://rins.snu.ac.kr)를 통해 등록
              * 사전접수: 2014.7.1~10.3
              * 초록접수: 2014.7.1~8.31  sjy@snu.ac.kr 로 제출
              * 송금계좌: 302-0658-4031-11(농협) 서울대학교 간호과학연구소 이명선

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