
외자CRO, CRA - Entry level to Senior 모집

2010-02-26l 조회수 4490

1. 의뢰사: 외자 CRO 2. 모집 내용 : Clinical Research Associate - Entry level to Senior 모집 (정규직) With a University degree in medicine, science, or equivalent, you will have previous monitoring experience in medium sized studies including study start up and close out (for all roles above Entry Level). In addition, you will also require: - CRA's (at least 1 years monitoring experience) - You will have knowledge of ICG GCP guidelines and expertise to review and evaluate medical data - Fluent in English as well as the local language - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, both written and verbal enabling you to deal with queries in a timely manner - Ability to produce accurate work to tight deadlines within a pressurised environment - Computer literate with Microsoft Office - Must be available to travel international and domestic at least 60% fly and drive and should possess a valid driving licence. ▣ 연봉수준 및 복리후생: 현, 연봉 이상 추후 경력에 따라 협의 가능 ▣ 근무지 : 서울 ▣ 제출서류: 국,영문 이력서 및 상세 경력기술서와 자기 소개서 ▣ 진행절차 : 1차 서류 전형- 2차 면접전형 ▣ 담당자: 이희정 연락처 : 02-567-7407,7408 이메일 : yskim@jhhr.co.kr