
글로벌 CRO - CRA Development Manager 모집

2010-02-11l 조회수 4461

1. 의뢰사: 유명 글로벌 CRO 2. 모집 내용 : CRA Development Manager 모집 Candidates MUST have at least 2 years CRA line management experience within a similar role and speak excellent English and fluent Korean. ▣ Experience and Qualifications : You will have previous CRA and line management experience and in addition you will have worked as a mentor/coach to staff members that are training as well as more qualified members of the team. Other expected qualifications are: - Fundamental training experience with excellent training skills - Background in medicine, science or other relevant discipline and appropriate experience - Fundamental knowledge in Clinical Research, an expert in all phases of a clinical trial (PSV, set up, SIV, SMV, COV) - Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of ICH-GCP - Consistent track record of performing at or above expectations - Ability to coordinate all aspects of clinical training - Experience of managing other employees - Proven experience of working successfully with clinical project teams - Excellent interpersonal and communication skills - Excellent written and spoken English in addition to fluency in the local language - Competent computer skills - Due to the nature of this position it may be required for the employee to travel. Therefore, dependent on the employees location, the employee may be required to possess a valid driver's license - Ability and willingness to travel approximately 50% - 60% of the time (international and domestic; fly and drive) ▣ 연봉수준 및 복리후생: 현, 연봉이상으로 추후 협의 가능/ 주5일제 ▣ 근무지 : 서울 ▣ 제출서류: 국,영문 이력서 및 상세 경력기술서와 자기 소개서 ▣ 진행절차 : 1차 서류 전형- 2차 면접전형 ▣ 담당자: 이희정 연락처 : 02-567-7407,7408 이메일 : yskim@jhhr.co.kr