[공통] [언어교육원] 연건캠퍼스 3월22일(토) 영어워크샵(무료)

2008-03-11l 조회수 3498

안녕하세요. 3월 학기 언어교육원 연건분원에서는 무료 영어워크샵을 개최할 예정입니다. 아래와 같이 일정을 안내해 드리니, 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. E-mail Writing 일시: 3/22 (토) 오전 9-12시 강사: Daniel Craig (언어교육원 전임강사) 접수: 3/12일 (수) - 3/21 (금) 장소: 간호대 신관 102호 In the last 15 years, email has gone from an obscure communications tool used by computer enthusiasts and academics to a primary tool for communication for business, academics, and personal use. It is now difficult to imagine a world without email. Providing your email address has taken on the same importance as providing your phone number, and in some aspects, even more importance. The international exchange of ideas among academics largely relies on email communication. This new requirement in academia has sparked interest in acquiring English language writing skills focusing specifically on email communication. The Email Writing Workshop was developed to provide a foundation for the cultural, pragmatic, and even technical uses of email in academia today. In this workshop, you will learn how to construct clear, concise email messages that eloquently convey your ideas and intentions in culturally appropriate ways by addressing etiquette, formality, politeness, and technical concerns. 참가하고자 하시는 분은 강좌의 접수 기간동안 leiy@snu.ac.kr 로 이름/학과를 알려주세요. 감사합니다.