[공통] 2008-2009 하바드-옌칭 연구소 장학 프로그램 안내

2007-03-26l 조회수 3601

2008-2009 Harvard-Yenching Institute 장학 프로그램 안내 1. 개 요 하버드-옌칭 연구소는 인문학 및 사회과학의 발전에 기여하고자 1928년에 비영 리 단체로 설립되었으며 현재 하버드대학교와 연계한 다양한 프로그램을 운영하 고 있음 2. 관련 전공 : 인류학(Anthropology), 고고학(Archaeology), 역사학(History), 국제관계(International Relations), 법학(Legal Studies), 문학(Literature), 철학(Philosophy), 종교학(Religion), 사회학(Sociology) 3. 프로그램별 주요 사항 가. 방문학자 프로그램(Visiting Scholars Program) 1) 내 용 : 연간 약 20명의 인문ㆍ사회과학 분야 신진 학자를 선발하여 하버드 대학교의 각 종 연구시설을 이용할 수 있는 권한 부여 2) 지원자격 - 인문ㆍ사회과학 전공 - 만 42세 이하(지원마감일 기준) - 재직 중인 대학의 추천 3) 장학혜택 - 기 간 : 11개월 - 내 용 : 왕복 항공료, 생활비 $2,940(매월 지급), 의료보험료 및 하버드대 학내 진료소 이용, 미국내 학회 참가 비용(1회 한정) 나. 방문연구원 프로그램(Visiting Fellows Programs) 1) 내 용 : 연간 약 5명의 박사과정 재학생을 선발하여 학위논문을 위한 연구 기회 부여 2) 지원자격 - 인문ㆍ사회과학 전공(동아시아 관련 전공자 우대) - 토플성적 취득(2006년 9월 1일까지 점수 제출) - 재학 중인 대학의 추천 3) 장학혜택 - 기 간 : 3개 학기 - 내 용 : 왕복 교통비(Massachusetts 지역), 생활비 $2,000(매월 지급), 미국내 학회 참가 비용(1회 한정) 4. 지원방법 : 소속 단과대학 행정실로 2007. 5. 11(금) 이전까지 방문 접수 ※ 지원절차 등 세부사항은 대외협력본부(☏880-8638)로 문의 5. 주요 일정 - 지원서 접수 마감 : 2007. 5. 11(금) - 면접 대상자 4명 선발 : 2007. 5. 22(화) - 지원서류 발송 : 2007. 6. 1(금) - 면접 고사 : 2007. 9~10(미정) - 최종 합격자 선발 : 2007. 12~3 6. 기 타 - 지원서 PART TWO INSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL란은 소속대학장 서명 - 관련 홈페이지 : www.harvard-yenching.org - 문의처 : Harvard-yenching Institute Li Ruohong(Program Manager) : ruohong_li@harvard.edu March 15, 2007 It is our great pleasure once more to invite your institution to participate in the programs of the Harvard-Yenching Institute by nominating scholars as candidates to our visiting scholars and fellows program. For academic year 2008-09, your institution may nominate up to a total of 4 (four) candidates from among your most promising scholars. In conjunction with the mission of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, nominated scholars should be working in the humanities and social sciences with an emphasis on culture (see below for a list of fields for your reference). Here is a summary of our programs. Visiting Scholars Program This program offers younger faculty members in the humanities and social sciences the opportunity to undertake 11 months of study and research at Harvard University. Successful applicants join researchers at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, and have access to the Harvard University libraries. They are provided with living expenses while at the Institute. Applicants must be 42 years of age or younger at the date of application. Our selection committee reviews all the applications, and meets in early December. All the applicants and university/academy administrators will be notified of selection results in mid-December. The selection criteria include academic training, quality of research proposal, and depth of subject knowledge, originality of the proposal as well as feasibility of conducting the research at Harvard University. The deadline for the receipt of applications is June 15, 2007. Visiting Fellows Program This program provides advanced Ph.D. candidates (advanced graduate students and junior faculty members) in your institution an opportunity to do dissertation research at Harvard University for three semesters. Our selection committee reviews all the applications, and meets in early December. In our selection process, preference is given to advanced graduate students and junior faculty members working in East Asian Studies. Successful applicants join researchers at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, and have access to Harvard University libraries. They are provided with living expenses while at the Institute. An official TOEFL score is required for this program. All the applicants and university/academy administrators will be notified of selection results in mid-December. The selection criteria include academic training, quality of research proposal, and depth of subject knowledge, originality of the proposal as well as feasibility of conducting the research at Harvard University. The deadline for the receipt of application is June 15, 2007. A TOEFL score must be submitted to the Institute by September 1, 2007. Late summer or fall this year, a representative of the Harvard-Yenching Institute will visit your university to interview all the nominees for these programs. We ask that you send all of your applications in one package to the Institute at the following address: Program Office Harvard-Yenching Institute 25 Francis Avenue, Suite 20 Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Tel: 617-495-0702 Fax: 617-496-7206 Scholarship applications sent directly to the Institute without official approval by your institution will not be considered. We look forward to hearing from you after you have nominated your candidates. In the meantime, please acknowledge the receipt of this letter and attached application forms to Dr. Ruohong Li via e-mail at ruohong_li@harvard.edu , or by fax at 617-496-7206. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation. Sincerely yours, TU Weiming Peter L. Kelley Director Executive Director Appendix A) Coverage of the scholarships: The following is the detailed information on the coverage of our fellowships: 1. Visiting Scholars Program: Round trip transportation by air for a selected scholar; A stipend of US $2,940 per month for the period of residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts (up to 11 months); Fees for health insurance and the use of the Harvard clinic; Funding for one time participation in an academic conference within the USA. 2. Visiting Fellows Program: Transportation to and from Cambridge, Massachusetts; Payment of the Harvard University Visiting Fellows fee; A stipend adequate for a single scholar (for 2007-08, the monthly stipend is $2,000) for three semesters, Funding for one time participation in an academic conference within the USA. B) Fields of Research Candidates’ fields of research in the humanities and social sciences to be considered: Anthropology Archaeology History International Relations Linguistics Literature Philosophy Political Science Religion Sociology If the research field of any of your candidates falls out of the range mentioned above and you are not sure if the candidate is eligible for applying for the programs, please contact Ruohong Li at ruohong_li@harvard.edu before you decide to submit the application. 첨부 : 1. Visiting Scholars Program 지원서 1부. 2. Visiting Fellows Program 지원서 1부

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