Regional Project Manager (RPM) 모집

2009-08-11l 조회수 4061

1. 의뢰사: 유명 외자 제약사 2. 모집 내용 : Regional Project Manager (RPM) 모집 ▣ Position : 정규직 - 1명 채용 예정 1. Asia Regional Project Leader for Global Clinical Trial 2. Trial Preparation (Budgeting, IRB/KFDA Approval, Contract and etc.) 3. Trial management including investigator payment, issue management and etc. 4. CRO management for Asian countries 5. Communication with global/regional team ▣ Job Qualification - University degree in Pharmacy, Biology, health science, Nursing or Medicine - At least 5 years experience in clinical research as a lead CRA / project CRA or project manager - Experience in global clinical trials management - Fluent in English (spoken and written) - Dynamic and proactive - Take leadership, can make decisions - Hard working and flexible - Practical and use common sense - Interested in multi-cultural interactions and has experience in different cultures - Good in communication - Strong in planning, organized and has a clear overview - Target oriented, can work with timelines, deliver results - Persistent and determined - Multi-tasking and can work under stress - Willing to travel frequently within Asia, to Europe and to USA ▣ 연봉수준 및 복리후생 : 현, 연봉이상 /근무제도 : 주 5일제 / 보험 : 국민연금, 의료보험, 산재보험, 고용보험 ▣ 근무지 : 서울(해외출장 빈도수 - 대략 1년에 6개월 정도) ▣ 진행절차 : 1차 서류 전형- 2차 면접전형 ▣ 제출서류: 국,영문 이력서(사진필수)와 임상 프로젝트 관련 상세 경력 기술서 또는 자기 소개서 ▣ 담당자: 이 희 정 02-567-7407,7408